WordPress vs. Joomla Website Building Platform Battle

October 29, 2021

WordPress vs. Joomla Website Building Platform Battle

Are you an Internet of Things (IoT) company looking to build a website? We understand the struggle of choosing the right website building platform for your business. WordPress and Joomla are two of the most popular platforms, but which one is better for your IoT company? Let's dive in and see.

Ease of Use

WordPress is a user-friendly platform with a simple and intuitive interface. You can easily install it and get started with a wide range of templates and plugins. Joomla, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and may require some technical knowledge. However, it offers more advanced customization options, making it an ideal choice for developers and users familiar with coding and website design.


Platform Score
WordPress 9/10
Joomla 7/10


Security is a significant concern for any IoT company, and choosing a platform that provides maximum security is essential. Both platforms offer strong security features, but WordPress has a larger user base, making it a more frequent target for hackers. It also has more plugins, which can introduce vulnerabilities if they are not updated regularly. Joomla is considered to be more secure, with fewer users and fewer plugins. It also has a built-in two-factor authentication system, making it less susceptible to brute force attacks.


Platform Score
WordPress 7/10
Joomla 9/10


Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to your website. WordPress has an SEO plugin that simplifies the process of optimizing your site, making it more accessible for search engines. Joomla has built-in SEO features, but they are not as user-friendly as WordPress.


Platform Score
WordPress 9/10
Joomla 7/10

Community and Support

Both WordPress and Joomla have active communities and provide extensive online resources, forums, and tutorials. WordPress has a larger community with more extensive documentation and a broader range of plugins and templates. Joomla, while smaller, is known for its supportive community and responsive support team.


Platform Score
WordPress 8/10
Joomla 9/10


Both WordPress and Joomla are open-source platforms, making them free to download and use. However, to make the most of both platforms, you may need to purchase additional plugins or templates.


Platform Score
WordPress 9/10
Joomla 9/10

Final Verdict

Both WordPress and Joomla are excellent choices for IoT companies, but each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. WordPress is an excellent choice for those who want a simple and user-friendly platform, while Joomla is a better option for users who are familiar with coding and require more advanced customization options.

Final Score:

Platform Score
WordPress 42/50
Joomla 41/50

At the end of the day, it comes down to your needs and preferences. We hope our comparison has helped you make an informed decision. Happy website building!


  1. WordPress.org
  2. Joomla.org
  3. Entrepreneur Handbook: WordPress vs Joomla
  4. Website Builder Insider: Joomla vs WordPress
  5. Kinsta Blog: WordPress Security

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